About Us

The Forge is a global brotherhood of men focused on discipleship to inspire spiritual growth among men. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, was quite clear about what he wanted us to do. Matthew 28:19-20 says “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

The world does not need just lukewarm converts but men who are wholeheartedly following Jesus. There needs to be a process to grow to maturity. Just as in the real world, we want babies to grow into toddlers.

Toddlers to grow into adolescents. Adolescents to grow into teenagers. And lastly, teenagers to grow into adults. This is the mission of the Forge to provide a process to grow recent converts into spiritually mature men.

Men’s discipleship has always been difficult. The women are naturally equipped to support one another and do life together.

Men are the spiritual head of the family and the Church. If we get the men right in becoming spiritually mature, we will have healthier families.

Healthier families will lead to more united Churches, more united Churches will lead to stronger communities, and stronger communities will lead to principle-based governments. Well-managed countries will lead to a better world.

The Forge was created to help men mentor other men and appeal to the natural strengths of men. Men are very task-oriented and want to achieve goals and finish the mission.

The three pillars of the Forge are Foundation, Fraternity, and Franchise.

The three F’s coupled with the Forge Technology Platform (FTP) make The Forge different than other men’s discipleship training programs. The FTP is composed of two groundbreaking technology tools.

The first is the online curriculum built specifically to help Christians mature into Disciples and the second is the Discipleship Tool (DT).

DT provides the benefits of a Customer Relationship Management system but is built specifically for disciplining individuals.

We call it a Discipleship Relationship Management or DRM. Together these tools will allow individuals to mentor more effectively.

Let’s do what Jesus did. Let’s go love them with the truth. Let’s take them Jesus!

– Team Mensforge.net

What Are The Three Pillars Of The Forge?


The Foundation of the Forge is the Word of God. Knowledge of God’s word is paramount for spiritual maturity.

The Forge has an offline and online course or curriculum that was designed to help a Christian build a foundation and knowledge of God’s word.


The Fraternity is the pillar of the Forge that represents the importance of brotherhood.

However, The Forge aims at strengthening brotherhood by using the positive aspects of fraternal organizations with none of the negative aspects.

Also, if the Foundation is the knowledge, then the Fraternity is the application.

This is where brothers do life together applying biblical principles by meeting together, praying for one another, encouraging one another, and keeping one another accountable.


The Franchise of the Forge is about replication. Jesus told us to go make disciples of all the nations.

In the movie The Forge, we are encouraged to grow not by addition but it must be by multiplication and we must be one of a million not one in a million.

How do we plan to do this? The Forge has a franchise kit so that any church can start their own Forge and leverage the technology platform that is part of the Forge.

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